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Deviance and Medicalization: From Badness to Sickness, Expanded
Deviance and Medicalization: From Badness to Sickness, Expanded
Author: Conrad, Peter / Schneider, Joseph W.
Edition/Copyright: (2ND)92
ISBN: 0-87722-999-6
Publisher: Temple University Press
Type: Paperback
Used Print:  $33.75
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Table of Contents

"Deviance and Medicalization is excellent...a worthwhile book for colleagues as well as for students."

--Qualitative Sociology

"An excellent text for sociology of medicine, social problems and deviance courses...a particularly apt choice in social science courses in medical schools."

--Social Science and Medicine

Temple University Press Web Site, April, 2002


This classic text on the nature of deviance, originally published in 1980, is now reissued with a new Afterword by the authors. In this new edition of their award-winning book, Conrad and Schneider investigate the origins and contemporary consequences of the medicalization of deviance. They examine specific cases�madness, alcoholism, opiate addiction, homosexuality, delinquency, and child abuse�and draw out their theoretical and policy implications. In a new chapter, the authors address developments in the last decade�including AIDS, domestic violence, co-dependency, hyperactivity in children, and learning disabilities�and they discuss the fate of medicalization in the 1990s with the changes in medicine and continued restrictions on social services.

  Table of Contents

1. Deviance, Definitions, and the Medical Profession

Sociological orientations to deviance
Witchcraft in Salem Village
Universality and relativity of deviance
Social control
The medical profession and deviance in America
Emergence of the medical profession: up to 1850
Crusading, deviance, and medical monopoly: the case of abortion
Growth of medical expertise and professional dominance
Structure of medical practice
Overview of the book
Suggested readings

2. From Badness to Sickness: Changing Designations of Deviance and Social Control

A historical-social constructionist approach to deviance
Deviance as collective action: the labeling-interactionist tradition
Social construction of reality: a sociology of knowledge
Politics of definition
Politics of deviance designation
Deviance, illness, and medicalization
The social construction of illness
Illness and deviance
Medicalization of deviance
Expansion of medical jurisdiction over deviance
The medical model and �moral neutrality�
Suggested readings

3. Medical Model of Madness: The Emergence of Mental Illness

Smitten by madness: ancient Palestine
Roots of the medical model: classical Greece and Rome
Dominance of the theological model: the Middle Ages
Witchcraft, witch-hunts, and madness
The European experience: madness becomes mental illness
The great confinement
Separation of the able-bodied from the lunatics
Entrance of the physician
Emergence of a unitary concept of mental illness
The 19th-century American experience: the institutionalization of mental illness
Asylum-building movement: a new �cure� for insanity
The science of mental disease
Freud, psychoanalysis, and medicalization
Reappearance of the somaticists
Mental illness and the public
Reform and institutionalization
Public acceptance
Mental illness and criminal law
The third revolution in mental health
Psychotropic medication
Decline in mental hospital populations
Sociological research
Psychiatric critique
Community mental health: a bold, new approach
Federal action and professional growth
Community psychiatry
Community psychiatry and the medical model
Medical model of madness in the 1970s
Suggested readings

4. Alcoholism: Drunkenness, Inebriety, and the Disease Concept

Physiology of alcohol: uncontested applications of the medical model
Alcohol and behavior: the question of control and the beginning of contest
Disinhibitor hypothesis
Deviant drinking as disease: historical foundations
Colonial period
The disease of inebriety and the concept of alcohol addiction
Disease concept and the American temperance movement
An enemy and a weapon: disease and abstinence
Rise of the inebriate asylum and the rush to Prohibition
Post-Prohibition rediscovery: the Yale Center, Alcoholics Anonymous, and the Jellinek formulation
Yale Research Center of Alcohol Studies
Alcoholics Anonymous
Jellinek formulation
Is alcoholism a disease?
Medical response to the disease concept
Supreme Court and the disease concept
Future of the disease concept of alcoholism
A coming crisis?
Scientific claims
Suggested readings

5. Opiate Addiction: The Fall and Rise of Medical Involvement

Nature of opiates
A miracle drug: pre- 19th-century use of opiates
Politics of opium in the 19th century
Recreational use in England and China
Medical uses: from a panacea to a problem
Discovery of addiction as a disease
Addicts and addiction in a �dope fiend�s paradise�
Entrepreneurs and the morality of opium: the creation of an evil
American attitudes toward opiate addiction: from empathy to anxiety
First prohibition of smoking opium
Discovery of heroin
Criminalization and demedicalization
A quest for international control and the United States� response
Harrison Act: the criminalization of addiction
Reign of the criminal designation
Addiction becomes a �criminal menace�
Why narcotics laws have failed
Reemergence of medical designations of addiction
Support for a medical designation
Excursus: the British experience
Methadone and the remedicalization of opiate addiction
�Heroin epidemic� and available treatment
Adoption of methadone maintenance as public policy
Methadone revisionists
A final note on methadone and medicalization
Suggested readings

6. Children and Medicalization: Delinquency, Hyperactivity, and Child Abuse

Discovery of childhood
Origins of juvenile delinquency
Childhood deviance into the 19th century
Child-savers and the house of refuge
Child-savers and the ideology of child welfare
Juvenile court
William Healy, court clinics, and the child guidance movement
Medical-clinical model of delinquency today
Discovery of hyperkinesis
Medical diagnosis of hyperkinesis
Discovery of hyperkinesis
A sociological analysis
Child abuse as a medical problem
Historical notes on the maltreatment of children
Child protection
Medical involvement and the discovery of child abuse
Child abuse as a medical and social problem
Social scientists� views of child abuse
Changes in the definitions of what constitutes child abuse
Children as a population �at risk� for medicalization
Suggested readings

7. Homosexuality: From Sin to Sickness to Life-Style

Moral foundations: the sin against nature
Ancient origins: the Persians and Hebrews
Contributions of the Greeks
From sin to crime: early Christianity and the Middle Ages
New moral consensus: sin becomes sickness
Medicine and moral continuity in the 18th century
Masturbation and threatened manhood: a crusade in defense of moral health
Consolidating the medical model: the invention of homosexuality
Hereditary predisposition
Criminalization and medicalization
Homosexuality as a medical pathology
Rise of the psychiatric perspective
Contribution of Freud
Sacrificing Freud: the reestablishment of pathology and the promise of cure
Demedicalization: the continuing history of a challenge
The armor of pioneering defense: �nature,� knowledge, and medicine
Spreading skepticism: social change and social science research
Rise of gay liberation: homosexuality as identity and life-style
Official death of pathology: the American Psychiatric Association decision on homosexuality
Beyond sickness, what?
Suggested readings

8. Medicine and Crime: The Search for the Born Criminal and the Medical Control of

Criminality � Richard Moran The therapeutic ideal and the search for the born criminal
Lombroso and the emergence of a biological criminology
Danger of therapeutic tyranny
A century of biomedical research
Psychosurgery and the control of violence
The XYY chromosome carrier
The Lombrosian recapitulation
Behavior modification
Positive reinforcement
Negative reinforcement
CIA and mind control
Summary and implications
Suggested readings

9. Medicine as an Institution of Social Control: Consequences for Society

Types of medical social control
Medical technology
Medical collaboration
Medical ideology
Social consequences of medicalizing deviance
Brighter side
Darker side
Exclusion of evil
Medicalization of deviance and social policy
Criminal justice: decriminalization, decarceration, and the therapeutic state
Trends in medicine and medicalization
Punitive backlash
Some social policy recommendations
Medicalizing deviance: a final note

10. A Theoretical Statement on the Medicalization of Deviance

Historical and conceptual background
American society as fertile ground for medicalization
An inductive theory of the medicalization of deviance
A sequential model
Grounded generalizations
Sociologists as challengers
Hunches and hypotheses: notes for further research
A concluding remark

Afterword: Deviance and Medicalization: A Decade Later

Some conceptual issues
Deviance and Medicalization and social constructionism
Reflections on medicalized deviance a decade later
Mental illness
Opiate addiction
Hyperactivity, child abuse, and family violence
New areas of study and future issues

Author Index
Subject Index


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