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Bodystories : A Guide to Experiential Anatomy
Bodystories : A Guide to Experiential Anatomy
Author: Olsen, Andrea
Edition/Copyright: 1991
ISBN: 0-88268-106-0
Publisher: Station Hill Press
Type: Paperback
Used Print:  $20.25
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"BodyStories is a book which engages the general reader as well as the serious student of anatomy. Its information is applicable to dancers, artists, athletes, bodyworkers, massage therapists, teachers, and individuals with injuries or with a special interest in learning about their body. Thirty-one days of learning sessions bring heightened awareness about each bone and body system as well as providing self-guided studies to activate the learning processes. The book draws on Ms Olsen's twenty years as a dancer and teacher of anatomy to show how our attitudes and approaches to our body affect us day to day. Amusing and insightful personal stories enliven the text and provide ways of working with the body for efficiency and for healing. Anecdotes about international travel as a dancer, and about working, with colleagues Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen in experiential anatomy and Janet Adler in Authentic Movement demonstrate how movement patterns and memories are part of our physical heritage, and how the body serves as a language for our world community. The works of twelve visual artists plus children's drawings, medical illustrations and multicultural images are included to broaden our way of looking at and learning to listen to the stories of the body."--BOOK JACKET.


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