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Real Power: Stages of Personal Power in Organizations
Real Power: Stages of Personal Power in Organizations
Author: Hagberg, Janet O.
Edition/Copyright: 3RD 03
ISBN: 1-879215-46-2
Publisher: Sheffield Publishing Co.
Type: Paperback
Used Print:  $29.25
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Real Power is inspiring and insightful! The content is timely for individuals in the 1990s who are challenging traditional wisdom governing American business, government and education. Janet Hagberg's six Stages of Personal Power in Organizations should be read by every professional wanting to learn and apply new paradigms to ensure individual and organizational success."

--Sharon A. Wulf, Northeastern University, Business Consultant

"Janet has the knack of revealing the darkest truths about our managerial selves...and then leading us on a journey to find personal leadership style."

--Susan Boren, Dayton Hudson Corporation, Group Vice President

"Real Power is one of the three best books I have read in 25 years. Power is the dominant issue of our time. Janet Hagberg has been able to speak to the real problems faced by my friends, students, and clients. Her work speaks to those issues in a clear, direct and interesting way."

--George Shapiro, University of Minnesota, Distinguished Professor

"This is a vital book because it shows that 'real power' is to be found where the inner life of reflection and the outer life of action intersect. Our own health, and the health of our institutions depends on our ability to live at this crossroads, and Janet Hagberg offers a superb map to help us find that place."

--Parker Palmer, Author, Educator, Activist

Sheffield Website, November, 2002


Janet O. Hagberg has written a dynamic book about power -real, personal power- for forward-looking people and organizations who want to harness their own power for the common good. "I wrote this book," says Hagberg, "to transform the way we think about power and leadership. It takes people on a journey beyond achievement and sucess to a stance in which power comes from their inner core and they lead from their souls."

There is no doubt that the world is ready for a new model of leadership. In this third edition, Janet Hagberg addresses much that she has learned from her readers. The result is a deepening of the descriptions of each stage, a new way to think about the dark side of each stage, new stories of each stage derived from her readers, a connection to the spirituality expressed at each stage, as well a description of "The Wall" between Stages Four and Five. Throughout the book, the author adds more of her personal story to illustrate her experiences and observations of each of the stages of power.


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