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Environmental Science
Environmental Science
Author: Miller, G. Tyler
Edition/Copyright: 13TH 10
ISBN: 0-495-56016-2
Publisher: Brooks/Cole Publishing Co.
Type: Paperback
Used Print:  $124.00
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Author Bio
Table of Contents
  Author Bio

G. Tyler Miller Jr.
GG. Tyler Miller, Jr., has written 58 textbooks for introductory courses in environmental science, basic ecology, energy, and environmental chemistry. They include ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, LIVING IN THE ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINING THE EARTH, and ESSENTIALS OF ECOLOGY. Since 1975, Miller's books have been the most widely used textbooks for environmental science in the United States and throughout the world. They have been used by almost 3 million students and have been translated into eight languages. Miller has a Ph.D. from the University of Virginia and has received two honorary doctorate degrees for his contributions to environmental education. He taught college for 20 years and developed an innovative interdisciplinary undergraduate science program before deciding to write environmental science textbooks full time since 1975. Currently, he is the President of Earth Education and Research, devoted to improving environmental education. He describes his hopes for the future as follows: "If I had to pick a time to be alive, it would be the next 75 years. Why? First, there is overwhelming scientific evidence that we are in the process of seriously degrading our own life support system. In other words, we are living unsustainably. Second, within your [students'] lifetime we have the opportunity to learn how to live more sustainably by working with the rest of nature, as described in this book."
Scott Spoolman
Scott Spoolman is a writer with over 25 years of experience in educational publishing. He has had a lifelong interest in the environmental sciences and believes that education provides the best hope for our dealing with environmental problems and finding more sustainable ways to work, play, and live on our planet. Spoolman holds a master�s degree in science journalism from the University of Minnesota. He has authored numerous articles in the fields of science, environmental engineering, politics, and business. He worked as an acquisitions editor on a series of college forestry textbooks. He has also worked as a consulting editor in the development of more than 70 college and high school textbooks in the natural and social sciences fields. With Tyler Miller, Spoolman has coauthored several editions of Living in the Environment, Environmental Science, and Sustaining the Earth. In his free time, he enjoys exploring the forests and waters of his native Wisconsin along with his family�his wife, environmental educator Gail Martinelli, and his children, Will and Katie.

ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE inspires and equips students to make a difference for the world. Featuring sustainability as their central theme, authors Tyler Miller and Scott Spoolman emphasize natural capital, natural capital degradation, solutions, trade-offs, and the importance of individuals.
  Table of Contents

1. Environmental Problems, Their Causes, and Sustainability.
2. Science, Matter, and Energy.
3. Ecosystems: What Are They and How Do They Work?
4. Evolution and Biodiversity.
5. Biodiversity, Species Interactions, and Population Control.
6. The Human Population and Urbanization.
7. Climate and Biodiversity.
8. Sustaining Biodiversity: The Species Approach.
9. Sustaining Biodiversity: The Ecosystem Approach.
10. Food, Soil, and Pest Management.
11. Water Resources and Water Pollution.
12. Geology and Nonrenewable Minerals.
13. Energy.
14. Environmental Hazards and Human Health.
15. Air Pollution, Climate Change, and Ozone Depletion.
16. Solid and Hazardous Waste.
17. Environmental Economics, Politics, and Worldviews.
1. Measurement Units, Precision, and Accuracy.
2. Reading Graphs and Maps.
3. Maps and Data: Economics, Population, Hunger, Health, and Waste Production.
4. Maps: Biodiversity, Ecological Footprints, and Environmental Performance.
5. Overview of U.S. Environmental History.
6. Some Basic Chemistry.
7. Classifying and Naming Species.
8. Weather Basics, El Niño, Tornadoes, and Tropical Cyclones.
9. Maps and Data: Energy and Climate.


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